Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Reason

Why do chicks push against the walls of their first home?
Why does a silent poet always feel the need to roam?
Why does a small gray wolf cub fight against the bigger foe
When he has no hope of living long enough to grow?
Why does the boxer struggle to rise when knocked to the ground-
Risking life to bear the strife and go another round?
Why does the apple seed give root when thrown in thinning soil?
No fruit tree will likely give root for the planter’s toil.
Why does a hospital patient still fight when doctors say
You have no hope, so give it up, there’s no point anyway?
Why did the Spartans fight against an enemy so vast?
They still beat half their number, though were wiped out at last.
Many would give an answer; many would disagree.
But Spartans fought, for they’d been taught, to fight for to be free.
The patient still keeps breathing, because deep, down within
He knows he may yet live to enjoy the company of his kin.
The apple seed gives root, because the thinner be the earth
The stronger be its roots and the wider be the girth.
The boxer fights to rise, though his blood and sweat run down,
Because it’s perseverance that wins the winner’s crown.
The wolf cub fights, because he knows he has the right,
To live and grow, and see yet another day and night.
The poet roams because he feels that he must find
Something that will keep the love in the race of humankind.

1 comment:

  1. I love The Reason and especially Jewel Most Rare! Keep up the writing!
