Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Choosing the Final Feather

November twenty-eighth, nineteen-eighty-two,
The docs said two weeks early, but no, it wasn’t true.
A baby that is healthy, small and yet quite strong.
A baby that will live, they said, again they were wrong.
For while this child grew it had a child of its own.
Unknown to the doctors, from birth its child had grown.
A seed it held for comfort, the seed to take its life.
A weed in the making, it would forever cause great strife.
The baby grew up happy until his birthday of nine.
Pains inside its head, the baby’s parents knew not why.
A year wherein the baby grew unhappy every day.
Two parents who were shocked, Why does our child act this way?
The baby played a game one day, with brothers it adored.
The baby grew dizzy, and fell unconscious to the floor.
Driven by its parents to the place where doctors were,
The parents hoped no damage, and wanted to make sure.
The doctors searched, and searched again, no damage could they find.
But wait, they cried, what is this thing inside the baby’s mind?
The seed had grown into a weed, doctors quickly took it out,
And hoped that that was the end of this corrosive bout.
Two years, and the child took in meds to stay alive.
Artificial replacements for what it didn’t have inside.
A child shunned by friends because he was so strange.
The child didn’t understand, there was nothing it could change.
Four years, and the parents found the weed came back to stay.
This time it was too dangerous for the docs to cut away.
The child knew it was to die and grew morose and sad.
Happiness came rarely, for ‘twas just a passing fad.
He began to lose, and finally lost, the love he had before.
Of life and of all else, and was unhappy evermore.
But love must exist, so instead of life he gave.
His love to death, and longed for it from life himself to save.
Years have passed and times have changed; the baby, yet alive,
Begins to see that life is good and so begins to thrive.
The baby thinks that maybe all of this will turn for good.
And so decides to live full life, for real; he knows he should.

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