Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hoop Shnoop D-Boop

A man named Stan ran away from his Gran.
She wanted to feed him stale bread.
He flew to the new downtown BBQ.
On gourmet new stew he was fed.
A shop called Top was run by a cop,
Tickets given for cutting in line.
A shoe shiner shined shoes for many a penny.
The diner served wine or chilled tea for a fine.
A new coup with a loop came with fresh soup.
Veggie, potato, and beef.
The waiter with lip was given no tip.
He promised he’d turn a new leaf.
The man named Stan after eating he ran,
To get his shoes shined by the shiner.
His Gran, named Fran, took her big frying pan,
And bopped in the shop the fop cop called Top.
The masses of lasses with glasses made passes.
Watching the chaos grow.
They drove in the coup with a loop eating soup,
After all, who could miss the great show?

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