Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Odd One

In every state in the U.S., in almost all the world,
Many people have had their awesome reputations hurled.
That’s partly why everybody always goes with the flow.
They don’t want to get anyone to turn out their foe.

And that’s why, you see, there’s always a cool hip style.
If someone decides to dress right, they’re popular for a while.
And if some not-cool preppy says the right stuff,
Everyone is good to them and not in a huff.

You’ll find everyone will eventually compromise.
If their reputation’s at stake, they’ll avoid their demise.
It’s a noble brave one who defies the laws of tradition.
Looking for one who is weird, yet liked, would be quite a mission.

But though it’s a gigantic task, there still are a very few
Who do not base their lives on what others say and do.
These “Odd Ones” go their own way, are proud of what they are.
Because they are the exception, in life they will go far.

I am proud to say that an Odd One am I.
I can stay cool, when I get into a fry.
I try to do what no one else has already done.
I go against tradition, and still it’s really fun.

I guess you could say that in this I have experience.
I urge you to be an Odd One like me, from this time hence.
Do everything the way you want, and have your own kind of fun.
If someone asks who you are, tell them you are an Odd One.

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