Thursday, August 12, 2010

Diamond in the Rough

At the core of the human is the need to take
That which is wanted for glory’s sake.
If it sparkles, shines, and dazzlingly glows
That is the power to which all beings go.
Both men and women desire the best-
The strongest, the hottest, the ones who well test.
One flaw, and the person is cast to the side
Later, they wish they’d more strongly relied.
A diamond, uncut, is not pleasing to the eye
Yet the ugly surface is naught but a lie.
Inside is the treasure that so many crave.
For the polished stone many would gladly save.
Most do not see, with people it’s the same.
The ones who are loved are the ones with fame.
Girls choose the popular, guys chose the hot.
Forget about love, if of those you are not.
Our society judges in all the wrong places.
They’d gladly tie the famous’ boot laces.
The rich are exalted, the actors revered.
To their standards and passions others adhere.
I am not that which is fun to behold.
Inside is the treasure worth more than gold.
Glimpse my heart- it’s not big or buff.
But it’s priceless, for it’s my diamond in the rough.

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