Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do Not Quit!

When one is in the hospital- and has been for days,
The pigment in one’s eyes constitutes a reddish glaze.
And without daily trekking throughout the hospital wards,
There results a gradual weakening of every muscle’s chords.
A time I was there for an operation on my brain.
The section was a delicate place- that much was plain.
Very close to the brain stem- Ops were light as a feather.
The docs worked carefully to keep my brains together.
Yes, I emerged thereafter with left and right intact.
But there was one thing that had resulted in my lack.
I found that my previous balance had abandoned every limb.
So long and farewell to Slice Man’s equilibrium.
But in my hospital bed I thought, as Slice Man ought,
‘I can walk, for against greater mountains have I fought!’
And thus it was that Slice Man, with no one present there,
Challenged weakened limbs to rise and conquer adverse air.
The railing on the bed was lowered, legs rotated out.
Ensuing exhaustion showed what muscle-age had given out.
And then with heart a-burning strong, Slice Man took a step.
Faith as strong as Dr. Jones as across the chasm he leapt.
But Slice Man’s leap was different; no hidden step gave call,
When his weakened limbs were bodily thrown against the wall.
Bones were slammed and joints near jammed as Slice slumped to the floor.
An unbeaten spirit then rose and fought, to try it just once more.
And that is why this world I see still can make the grade.
Stop the badness, help the goodness never, never fade.
No matter how much burn is administered by the sun,
Only you can give it up and say when you are done!

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