Friday, August 20, 2010


Who has been there always,
Who’s been there for me,
When trials were so very sore
All strength inside would flee?
If not for all the souls
Who have helped me on my way,
I would not be a tithe of
The person I am today.
There are hundreds who have helped,
More than I can count,
But every little helping hand
Becomes a great amount.
Just as many little problems
Together make a pile,
Every act of service performed
Can build into a smile.
And every smile truly earned
Can remove some of the load.
In giving unto others,
Can we not smooth out their road?
The greatest way to thank someone
For what they did for me,
Is in passing on the service
And helping someone else for free.
To follow the Savior’s example,
To do what He has done,
A single act of goodness
Passing on helps everyone.

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