Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life is Like a Chicken

Chicken is yummy.
Chicken is great.
Good for any meal,
Early or late.
I like Chicken.
It’s anything you need.
Sweet and tangy,
Bar-B-Q or even honeyed.
Cordon Bleu,
O that makes my day.
The best of the best of the best.
I’d say!
There’s nothing like
A big juicy piece,
A little tyke eating
Mountains of grease,
Or, come to that
Some hot, spicy wings.
The hottest are
Fit for kings.
The influence of chicken
Is far and wide.
Choose what you like.
Easy to decide.
Most everything tastes
Like chicken too.
There’s nothing like
A chicken stew.
Me gusta pollo,
I like chicken.
Power to the leg,
That taste is kickin’!

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