Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mom's Poem

Before earth was created by the Father of us all,
The Master took a head count, a rather tedious roll call.
He informed each of us what our roll on earth would be.
Each roll, if done correctly, would make mankind more free.
Pointing to the first group, he told them to support the home.
Their calling would be to provide for those they called their own,
To fulfill the job of giving bread and shelter there.
In sickness or in health, they could not leave their cupboards bare.
Others, he assigned as prophets, the priesthood to confer.
And others, He called as teachers to explain His Holy Word.
And so it went on, until every calling was fulfilled.
All things had been done according to the Father’s will.
But then one shouted, “Who will teach our children not to fight?
Who will teach not to quarrel, and always do the right?
The breadwinner needs a counselor, who brings love to the home,
Who comforts every child who feels like they’re alone.”
And God knew it was good, and right, and part of His plan, and so
He asked who could take this duty, to help the children grow
Many took the call, when God asked them that day,
And truly they provide what can’t be given other ways.
And afterward, when that position had been completely filled.
God pondered what to call these ones with such great will.
And because that they were His, and ones like no other
They became most sacred, and now are called upon as mother.

1 comment:

  1. I had to rework this in order to make it more appropriate. It is how I truly feel.
