Monday, August 23, 2010

Take a Dare

One day on the edge of a cliff, from my friends I took a dare.
I jumped right off and left it to my luck how I would fare.
I guess I was real lucky, at the bottom there was a river.
When I landed in it, it was cold, and I started to shiver.
The river took me quickly along, I tried to stay afloat.
Since I couldn’t swim real well, I think I looked like a goat.
I grabbed a piece of driftwood, that luckily floated by.
But soon I was really soaked, it was hard to stay dry.
Soon I realized that this really wasn’t all that bad.
It was kind of like tubing, and that was pretty rad.
But then I looked ahead, Oh no, a waterfall!
I yelled for help, I don’t think anyone heard my call.
I decided if I was to die, I would go in style.
I jumped off and did a bomb, and then fell a mile.
When I reached the bottom, I hit the water-smack!
And then for a while, consciousness I lacked.
When I awoke, to my horror, I found I was tied up.
Around me people danced, and many drank from a cup.
The people were all dressed up like those on islands of the sea
Since everyone seemed so happy, I was filled with glee.
But then I glanced to my right, and saw a humongous fire.
I looked in the eyes of the people, and viewed hungry desire.
Some were sharpening knives and looked on me with hunger.
I had fallen among cannibals, life couldn’t get better.
Well I think it’s safe to say that my life is lost.
I took a dare, look what happened- my life is the cost.
So to those who like to be brave, I warn you- beware!
You never know what could happen if you take a dare.

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