Friday, August 20, 2010

Fearless Hero

When David faced Goliath,
The child and the giant;
The crowd roared approval of
This infant so defiant.
When Jack climbed the beanstalk
And braved the fearless tyrant,
All to feed his family,
Bare cupboard and water silent.
Aragorn, not respected,
Faced alone the horde of foes;
Unknown king with power hidden,
To relieve all mankind’s woes.
Arm of climber trapped beneath,
Severed, saved the life,
Though he had to bear the pain,
A dull, unsharpened knife.
A lone believer bears
The heedless mockery of the mob.
The shunned child lives to fight,
And fights to live, but never sob.
Son of the Superseyan,
Though through mounds of rock was hurled,
Defeated Zell and evil,
And so doing saved the world.

1 comment:

  1. A hero is made out of necessity, meaning that one does not choose but is chosen to fill those shoes.
