Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heart of Gold

Flesh is fragile - flesh is weak.
Beautiful flesh is what everyone seeks.
How few will obtain this commodity of men.
One of a hundred, few I say again.
Hundreds and hundreds will look for “The one.”
“The one” will choose one of the thousand, just one.
That still leaves nine hundred and ninety and nine
To wander and search- search, but not find.
The one who was chosen, and the one who chose,
Look at their flesh, ‘tis beautiful, no?
What of the others, what will they do?
Ignore their flesh, and find love anew?
No, they will not, they will search in vain.
Failing, they’ll find something to fill in that lane.
Lust- fake love, or another hurtful track.
But they will never be happy, they’ll always lack.
Why can’t they find love, what is the key?
There are others, with flesh that is made beautifully.
If so, what’s the problem, why won’t it work?
They always get stung, broken, or hurt.
Think of a clock, of gold and cedar wood.
It is beautiful, and works well- as it should.
The secret is not the gold, but what lies inside,
For that is where its beauty resides.
The one who was chosen, and again, the one who chose-
Their flesh is beautiful, of that we know.
But their love was not based on the flesh, which is pride.
They looked beyond, at what was inside!

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