Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Slice Man Meets the Devil

Down in his fortress deep below, the devil thought to rise.
Up in the world he thought he’d go, then he thought of a prize.
He thought of the cool Slice Man, he thought to have contest.
There were many ways to beat him, and still have quite a jest.
Slice was camping with his friends when the devil came right up
And Slice was chugging tons of pop, he didn’t need a cup.
Slice’s friend Gardner asked the devil, “What do you need?”
The devil said, “I want your good friend Slice’s soul to breed.”
The awesome Slice put down his pop and said, “There is no way”
“I like my life the way it is, don’t want your game to play.”
The devil said, “But if you do, and if by chance you win,
All the pop in the world will be yours to keep” and this made Slice grin.
Slice said, “That isn’t good enough, I want some strudels too,
And lots of ravioli, and it better not be too few.”
The devil said, “Then it’s a deal, and let’s get started then
I bet I’ll drink more pop than you,” he thought Slice to offend.
But Slice Man said, “Prepare yourself, this drink will be your last.”
So saying, he drank two liters nonstop, and then he gave a gasp.
And after taking one deep breath, he drank two liters more.
That brought his total pop chugged, in liters, up to four.
Well, the devil jumped up and declared, “I will make you strut,
For I have deep within me an awesome, large, fat gut.
Without another word, he drank two liters and,
He drank two liters more, and thought himself so grand.
The score was tied, the devil said, “Let’s try this another way.
How about an intellectual game of battle Risk, what say?”
This made Slice’s friend, Joey B, give a good loud snort,
“Everyone knows Slice is best at Risk, and that’s not short.”
Well, Slice agreed, and so the awesome game of Risk began.
It took a good long time, for hours long it ran.
But after lots of time Slice Man began to get ahead.
Because of this the devil thought Slice’s soul was one to dread.
And soon that nasty devil gave up and said, “You win.
I see it will be rather hard to get your soul to sin.
And though this contest for me was really not too fun.
You can expect your prize to arrive in about a month.
It was a surprise, but he spoke the truth, though he was made of muck.
In a month there came to Slice Man’s house lots of trucks.
The main truck man made Slice sign, but he was really nice.
Now Slice’s house is full of strudels, ravioli, and Slice.

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