Saturday, August 21, 2010


O do you remember that day long ago
When the women came to the tomb?
They saw the stone that was rolled aside
And found naught but an empty room.
An angel appeared and asked them why
They sought the living among the dead.
“He is not here, but is risen from death
Remember ye not what he said?”
That He would be crucified on the cross
By evil and sinful men.
That three days would pass, and on the Sabbath
He would rise and live again.
The women left and told His apostles
But the men could not understand.
They did not remember what he had said
When he had walked with them on the land.
Mary came to the sepulcher weeping
And saw there two angels in white.
They asked her, “Woman, why weepest thou?”
She saw them in plain sight.
She told them, “They have taken my Lord
And I know not where they have laid Him.”
She saw Jesus then, and thinking him a gardener
“Give me the body of my Lord” she bade him.
“Mary” spoke the Lord, and she knew her Master
Jesus told her to tell his brothers.
And later He came in the midst of them
Though Thomas believed not the others.
“Thomas,” said Jesus, “You see me and now believe
Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.”

1 comment:

  1. One of the two most important things to happen on this earth- the resurrection of the Savior. The other is the atonement.
