Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Angel's Embrace

Mistakes unintended and willful are made;
I have myself bound tight within.
Both good and bad inward layers I’ve laid-
Which side, today, helped I win?
Ever is this undiluted fight raging-
It never ends!
Each side of me, constant energy writing…
Battle’s victor? On so much depends…
In hate’s trance, through my black cloud I see
Fellow children goodbye-ing, chalk in hand
Giving tears I can’t find; grief locked inside
My scarred heart- their pain demands!
This must be shared! They must know that I cared!
Whatever may wait at the end…
Though blackened and ugly, I will leave in your charge
A gift for your loved passed friend!
I lay it down, this hate-child of mine.
Fear and dread battle…No One makes a sound.
Book of my Heart- Scarred, battered, hate filled-
I’ve outlined, in chalk, on the ground.
Then fleeing their glimpses, their thoughts, their disgust
I’m so sure will be the result,
Abandoned I leave my torn heart in their hands,
Mind, thought, and soul in tumult...
Hours have past, fear-filled, I return
For whatever is left of my heart.
Children sitting, Heart-Book held in their hands!
They’re searching me from my first start!
They see me, and scatter, though it is no matter…
Now guardian of a soul fully bared,
I have done what I never dared think of before-
I shared. They will know that I cared.
No words to me ventured, I’ve become all numb,
Class done, I leave school for the day,
On the curb I’m shaking, eye’s corner, one glimpse:
An angel is walking my way.
I know she has viewed each and every part
Of my bruised, battered, broken, embittered black heart.
Paralyzed by the truth on her face!
Slender arms reach round my shaking, pained form!
I am bound in an angel’s embrace!
Holding tight, she whispers, ‘I never knew…’
Sweetest words to a soul with such sins.
Never held so purely in all my life,
The healing, long waited, begins.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if she will ever read these words, but she saved my life. Wherever you are, Shannon, thank you.
