Saturday, August 21, 2010

Light Within a Snowflake

So beautiful the earth can be, so colorful and bright.
Such a precious gift we have, to see each lifting sight.
Every thing of beauty was made by Him above:
Does not every blade of grass give proof of his love?

I appreciate the beauty of the summer, spring, and fall.
When I see the wintertime, I think I love it most of all.
Perhaps ‘tis why I walk the hills when nature makes them glow.
I behold a miracle when I move through the snow.

I see it when it lightly falls, and when it dusts my path.
I travel through it, when days of storm can seem so full of wrath.
I deeply breathe, when breathing fills my lungs with chilly air.
The hills themselves are shining, each snowflake very fair.

Through the sparkling meadows, my footprints filled behind.
I gaze and gaze, and marvel, untold beauty grips my mind.
I walk through fields crafted by His loving, gentle hands.
I pause, and think, What right have I to make even one demand?

If He in all His wisdom, His glory, and His light.
Gives me the chance to look thereon, I have no need for spite.
Fear, or hate, or anger- none of these can measure up.
But faith, and love, and beauty; with these He fills my cup.

Many think they have the reason and the wisdom fit to say
Miracles do not occur, in this enlightened day.
I wish to shout about all the miracles that I see,
The very snow you walk upon is a miracle to me!

The sky, the clouds, trees and mountains, fish that swim in streams...
What among these could we create that were not merely dreams?
We ourselves are miracles
The more we live, we know
And that is why I love to see
The Light within the snow

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