Friday, August 20, 2010

What Makes You Fly

I’ve been to many places; I’ve seen strange things,
And with all that I’ve been through,
I know how to make wings.
What is it that frees you, what can make you fly?
Every step that brings you closer
To that freedom in the sky.
I understand why some fight against the hunter’s goal.
It can seem a terrible crime
To destroy the flight of soul.
It took guts and courage, it took inner strength,
For the feathered infant’s span
To become a strong, firm length.
Tis not the finished product that shows one’s inner sight.
The hardship and the stumbles are
What helped that bird to flight.
I know not what your mountains held for you whilst you crawled on.
But without all that crawling
Your limbs would not be so strong.
I don’t care what others think of you, I see in you true steel.
Their colors are in the clothes they wear,
But your insides can feel.

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