Friday, August 6, 2010


Once again total war fully fills me within
Much more and I feel I will die.
I search for some window, no matter how small-
I can’t breathe, I can’t sweat, I can’t cry!
What path can I take to find my release?
I have not the power to Mend.
…One by one, angels beautiful come to my side
A most bittersweet chance to lend.
Meetings past I recall, they were not in this guise-
I merely saw damsels sublime.
Now I hear their thoughts, a heart- wrenching choice
They are here, to tell me, is mine.
I can keep on my path, continue this course-
Endure my own thoughts till I’m through,
Or I can be altered, no longer myself
Unable to grow, always new.
What a terrible choice! Forever a babe-
Never growing, never thinking- no pain.
Or always growing, and ever hurting,
Fearing that I’ll go insane!
If I stay it may kill me, but my life will be real
If I leave, there’s no chance I’ll return…
There are those who will need you, should you choose to stay;
Vital lessons you’ll help them to learn.

I cannot choose! I wish for both!
I want to grow out my heart.
I am eager to love, yet I feel deep inside
That so doing will tear me apart!
Paralyzed to inaction- they make my choice:
Gathering linen shining white,
Slowly, gently, they wrap me within
Until I am engulfed by the light.
Just before I am gone they whisper
Someday you again may live
When you can take the wondrous love within
And every part of it give…


  1. This is so moving and beautiful Adam. Your light and love is so needed on this earth. Again, thank you for opening your heart and sharing your gifts with us.

  2. This is the most intense 'daydream' I have ever had. I will never get over it.
