Saturday, August 21, 2010

Plan of Happiness

In the preexistence we were bodiless because
We were the intelligences organized before the world was.
We wanted to become like unto God,
To be able to be faithful, and hold to the rod.
In Moses three seven, it tells how we came around.
The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground.
All were before created as spirit bodies first.
But that’s when fate took a turn for the worst.
Satan, thinking, “I will be like the Most High”
Led one third away with his deceitful lies.
Good versus bad, in heaven a war.
One third were cast out through heaven’s door.
Then we came down upon the earth.
Adam and Eve first given physical birth.
As Satan sought to destroy the agency of man,
Telling Eve to partake of the fruit, although banned.
She did, as did Adam, which brought about the Fall.
No longer were they allowed to breach Eden’s wall.
And with the Fall there came down a veil
Blinding spiritual eyes, a great cause to wail.
Now Adam and Eve were able to give birth.
The family was created for the first time on earth.
Everyone is related, because of Adam and Eve.
Mankind out of Adam and Eve were conceived.
Adam was a prophet, the first of them all.
Even today we can give our prophet a call.
With prophets came the temples, filling the world today.
They help us renew covenants, to prevent spiritual decay.
We had them in Biblical times long ago.
Very similar to today, as history will show.
Principles and ordinances in them are done.
Our sins and transgression we learn to shun.
Long after Adam, through Abraham’s seed,
Came Jesus Christ, on the cross did He bleed.
He, being our Savior, died for all men.
His atonement lets us into heaven once again.
Because of his sacrifice, and his resurrection,
We too will be resurrected after our life is done.
We’ll go to spirit prison or spirit paradise there,
Judging by our works, it’s really quite fair.
At last, Judgement Day, to which we will go.
There we will finally reap what we sow.
And if we have repented, and have done what’s right.
We will obtain immortality, and Eternal Life.

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