Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Am I

I am he who walks alone
I live on earth, my quest to roam
I do not die but make things rust
After me, people start to trust
I bind man with knowledge of me, they race against me in vain
Ones in me eventually cannot see
I also make it rain
It is by me deadlines are set; men go to jail if I can’t be met
I get kids in trouble for being late
Those who die have me to hate
I’m as a circle which never ends
I have carved in me lots of trends
I always go forward, leave men behind
I make things dull, sometimes shine
I’m represented by watches and clocks
A piece of me in each “tick-tock”
Everything through me will always pass
I sometimes go slow, sometimes go fast
And now I tell you what I am
I may not always chime
I govern the earth, its unknown king
I am known as time

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