Monday, August 23, 2010

The Seed Of Faith

The seed of faith, the smallest of all.
The potential is there for that seed to grow tall.
Like a mustard seed, when planted with care,
Can grow to great heights, no beauty compares.
A child, it seems, is born as the tree.
His faith never wavers, turns or flees.
When opposition bids him fall,
He stands unaffected, a great steel wall.
Such powerful faith, such strength is not found
In men on this earth for miles around.
And yet the unfaithful teach the steel wall.
To the children it is we should give heeding call!
Why do we question what God has said?
Our faith is naught but a weak, thin thread
That bends under pressure, and finally breaks,
While the child’s? - stronger each day he makes.
Not questioning what he’s told to do,
Only doing, though it be great tasks or few.
I’ll strive to be like the child’s way,
And do what my God has told me today.
My faith will start as a seed, I know.
But as I nurture it, my seed will grow.
Someday I hope to be that great tree
That will stand next to the child’s, faithfully!

1 comment:

  1. The times when I have been closest to God are also the times I have been most like a child.
