Friday, August 20, 2010

The Island

What makes the skies so blue?
What makes the grass so green?
What makes fruit so sweet?
And at other times so tart
What makes a girl’s eyes so soft
And the loveliness look so strong?
Why do opposites attract and thrive
Strong and yet supple- dark and so bright
Without opposition there would be no strength
Without heaven there would be no hell
Without hate there could be no love
Without heat, no place for cold
Without despair there could be no hope
Without cowardice there could be no courage
Without death there is no birth
With no shell to push against, the chick would surely die
What makes the pain endurable?
-The hope for soon relief
What makes white so bright?
-The darkness, still and deep
Why is the island still alive?
-I do not know, but I respect the island

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