Thursday, August 19, 2010

Adam Apple Hungry Campbell Soup Slice Man

I know a man who’s really cool, a man of many names,
And one day when he grows so old, he’ll have lots of fame.
His many names combine to form a very awesome word.
It’s been going round for quite some time, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard.

It started as five words combined, but now it’s grown by two,
And it is still growing, 'cause I think it is too few!
If you haven’t guessed, the man is me, and if you’re getting blue,
My full good name is Adam-Apple-Hungry-Campbell-Soup.

To many, the mystery is how the name came to be,
But now I will enlighten you, and set your mind free.
The Adam goes with Apple; they both start with an “A.”
I made it up myself, I’m really proud to say.

The hungry is appropriate, cuz that’s just what I am.
I love Bean with Bacon Campbell Soup when in a jam.
In short, my name is Adam, and I like apple pie.
I’m Hungry for some Campbell Soup when I’m in a fry.

I really love to go backpacking, and I really love orange pop.
If you know me personally, you know I do not stop.
And when, with arms full of pop, into English class I ran,
All my classmates started to call me the cool “Slice Man.”

And now, good friends, you see how it is I came about my name,
And you see how cool it would be, if I had some fame.
When I drove by, people would cry, while in the streets they ran,
“There goes Adam Apple Hungry Campbell Soup Slice Man!”

1 comment:

  1. The full name to date is Adam Apple Hungry Campbell Soup Slice Man PoetMaster ACSoup Squared The Wild Thing Bushman, but that's getting a little excessive...
