Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2) Others in the Storm

The storm has reached its highest peak,
My strength is at an end.
Although my light keeps me upright,
No mortal fiber can contend.
And now again my way is barred,
Not by stone walls before.
A soul now nearly numb beholds
One Nation, all at war.
Among the masses,
Anger, grief, hate, fear, and strife,
And yet in every one I see
Struggling rays of life.
Upon a mountain they don’t see
Each drop of sweat they throw.
And on their pain-filled struggles
This storm is given strength to grow.
Looking up upon the mountain’s height
The center of the storm,
By lightning, in sharp relief is seen
Many a human form.
For a moment they are all I see,
Veiled smiles on each face.
It is for their security they fuel
The Rodent’s Race.
In fighting each other,
Citizens of One Nation do not see.
One Nation, now divisible,
Has been made no longer free.
The light within is burning hot
It blazes white again.
I must help We The People,
Retake their rights again.
The mount of mud for which
Our labors are bled from us is wrong.
Our labors, by their nature
Are OURS, that we may live and thus be strong.
If the Powers That Be
Use not well power that was Ours to give,
It is Our sacred duty to take it back, that We might live.
The darkness keeps so many from seeing
The evils to them done.
It is now my task to share the light
The battle has begun!

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