Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jewel Most Rare

Through the blazing, white-hot fire I chance upon a gold most pure-
The greatest Find, all opposition has, and will, endure.
After unbelievable pressure the finest diamond takes its form.
The path, so rarely chosen, resultant gem far beyond the norm…
If I were a jeweler, searching for the greatest find,
I’d want a stone so brilliant one long look could turn me blind.
I would know that such a treasure
Through highest pain and stress would pass-
Blackest coal is transformed into a diamond, clear as glass.
…I leave it here, and then retreat
Through every layer, level, shade.
I begin to sense that some sacred, eternal law I’ve disobeyed.
Upon the shadowed walls hints of hurting pasts are shown-
Pains and scars frightfully real, yet rarely seen or known.
Daring to come closer, I feel I’ve seen this once before;
Mist-shrouded, it is a Mirror in the shape of my heart’s door.
Hand trembling, I reach out and grasp a knob more cold than ice;
Through the door I now have opened, I view an endless paradise.
I glance back at the deep and dark through which I had to go.
Light of paradise illuminates what I’d never thought to know:
By heat and pain endured are changed forever eyes to See:
The living, glowing jewel I seek has always lived in me.

1 comment:

  1. An incredible discovery. I enjoyed writing the Jewel Most Rare poems more than any any others I have written, before or since.
