Thursday, August 12, 2010

Light and Truth

Light will always war with darkness-
Forever has, forever will.
I do all I can, and yet,
The darkness fights me still.
Pains and struggles will be mine
I often don’t understand.
I must remember all the challenges
Are part of Father’s plan.
It is not strange one rarely loves
The fires one goes through.
That doesn’t change what I have learned throughout-
It yet is true!
And if by truth I live my life,
The truth shall set me free.
What I do here and now
Determines my eternity.
There is no fire in my path,
No mountain yet to climb,
No river I must swim across,
No valley steeped with grime-
Not a single tribulation
My Savior leads me through-
That cannot take my heart
And change it
Until it is completely new.

1 comment:

  1. It is a journey that at times seems impossible- is impossible. And yet somehow we are carried through, and the impossible becomes possible. A marvelous journey.
