Saturday, August 14, 2010


Here I stand upon my path, glimpsed-
One good, one evil end.
Toward both have I traveled far,
And ever returned again.
Within, the same two forces battle
For my very soul.
One to bring me closer to- one farther from- my goal.
Every thought, belief, and action
Pulls for 2 or pulls for 1.
Yet each decision can,
All those preceding, make undone.
If such is true- I know it is-
I’m very much aware
Each step I choose to take
Must be with exceeding care.
Though seem it may as blackest gray
Tis on my shoulders laid-
Here is my chance! It’s time to shine! No call to be afraid!
Great hosts, unseen, cry ‘Onward!
Though your path be danger rife,
There is no higher goal than yours-
You seek eternal life!’

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