Friday, August 20, 2010


We each had skills to work on, before we came to earth;
Potential to develop into talents of great worth.
Each and every talent, the better with to serve,
To help each other in this life overcome the learning curve.
For every one has purpose, everyone we need,
If in this life through all the strife, we’re hoping to succeed.
Not one has ever made it that had no helping hand.
Two cripples who grasp each other can, together, stand.
You and I are cripples, though we do not use a staff.
Together we are tripled; apart we’re cut in half.
Weak means strength divided; love can heal the breach.
Growth will always happen when against the pull we teach.
Infants do not grow if they’re never let to move.
Never going anywhere, like pebbles in a groove.
In our daily struggles, uncut diamonds shine within.
Those now-uncovered talents’ growth can, at last, begin.
None of us can fully see how far we then can go.
Why not keep on going to see how much we grow?

1 comment:

  1. My greatest growth and learning has come as I keep going. The most difficult lesson I have yet to learn.
