Thursday, September 2, 2010

Your Rock

Somewhere hidden, deep below, a monster feeds and grows
On one’s unvoiced feelings that no one has ever seen.
A passing word, a phrase or two, the effects of which no one knows.
But the danger is still lurking, for its host’s life the evil thing means.
One might seem cool, confident, poised and void of doubt.
But like many things, only what is inside matters in the end.
That thing that is inside you will eventually come out.
Then all will see what you really are, and know you’re not a friend.
What can you do then, when your face has been unmasked?
Will you still stand tall as you did once inside your mind?
An evil soul that has been unveiled will never be proud again,
For living a lie will bring what’s coming all in time.
When your love is lost, your joys gone, your ‘friends’ all but dead,
Where will you turn for comfort, where will you look for peace?
What will happen when that crying shoulder removes from under your head?
When you sleep on thorns and cactus instead of warm soft fleece.
A tower of straw will not stand- unless woven tightly together.
So also will you stumble and fall without a helping hand.
You cannot survive a storm of snow, a blizzard of destroying weather,
Unless you build your house on a rock, instead of on the sand.
Choose your company with plenty of thought, choose your company well.
From whom you’ll get your climbing gear- for it may save your life.
Likewise, surround yourself with those things your soul won’t sell.
Use many poles for your soul’s tent to save yourself from strife.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorites of yours, by far. There is so much emotion. The hypothetical questions add feeling and pull me into the poem, as if I'm the one narrating. My favorite lines are "somewhere hidden, deep below, a monster feeds and grows" and "for living a lie will bring what’s coming all in time." But I would love to invite the idea that even behind the monster that is "somewhere hidden, deep below" there is yet another side of pure innocence and therefore happiness. What do you think?
