Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Tell me what you see, he says to me.
I see, I say quietly, darkness, for I am in a hole,
And have been here for a very long time.
There are others in this hole of mine with me.
I can feel them all around me
And then it comes to me that there is a rock by my side.
I can feel its presence. I put forth my hands, and feel my way towards it.
My hands touch its cool, dry surface
I wish to be out of my hole
I reach up the rock, as far as I can, and find a place to hold onto
I pull myself up, placing my feet upon the rock as well
Slowly but steadily I climb up my rock
After hours, days, weeks, months, years, I have made it out of the hole
I am free!
Wait, he says, you have forgotten something.
What? I ask, surprised.
What about everyone else in the hole?
I have forgotten them
You have a light, he says. You must share your light with others
He is right. I know he is right.
What about you, I ask.
I’ve done a lot of bad things, he says, shaking his head.
So have I, I tell him. So have I.
He shakes his head again. What I’ve done is bad
There’s no coming back from where I have gone.
That is not true, I say to him. You can always come back.
You just have to believe you can.
He does not believe me, and shakes his head once more
I do not know what to say to help him, but then it comes to me-
I can share my light with him
I then go to my quarters, and retrieve it- one piece of my heart.
Returning to him, I give it to him to keep.
Tears come to his eyes as my light within blazes forth.
As it shines, the light in his heart, the light he never knew he had,
Begins to shine too.

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