Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Dreamer Pt Eight

Adialon hurried toward the place where he and the Boy had last spoken. When he was within a few paces, he became aware of a dark cloud before him, and suddenly was afraid.
He did not know where it came from or why he did it, but he started singing an old lullaby his mother had sang to him when he was very little.

A child of Heavenly Father am I
I am worth worlds above
And if I always stay near the light
I will be embraced by His love

As he sang Adialon could feel the darkness becoming thicker. Though he became more afraid, he sang all the clearer, willing the darkness to disperse.

No darkness can ever withstand
The light that flows from His throne
And if I always stay near the light
I never shall be all alone

Now the darkness was all around him. Though he was deathly afraid now, he kept singing, feeling that it was his only weapon against such an unfathomable foe.

The angels are always near me
To help me on my way
The nearer I come unto the light
The brighter shall be each day

The darkness seemed to be thickening, hemming in around him on every side.

He is always nearer
Than we think He’ll be
The nearer we come unto the light
The more we shall be free

He began to see flashes of light from further within the darkness.

Though the darkness fights me
As I strive toward the light
The brighter my own light becomes
As I choose the right

The flashes of light were coming nearer. Adialon continued to sing, going over the same verses again and again as he moved through the darkness. He was unable to think of anything else to do, for the darkness seemed to stifle every other thought.
Then from the midst of the darkness, a light burned brighter than any before it and held. Adialon moved instinctively toward it, as a drowning man moves toward a piece of driftwood. As he came closer, the darkness thinned, little by little. The light became bright and brighter, until there seemed to be only a thin curtain of darkness between he and the light. He stumbled forward another step or two, and broke through the curtain. Adialon threw up his arm to shield his eyes, for after being in the darkness his eyes were not prepared to view anything so bright. Within the blazing white light he saw four figures, from whom the light seemed to be emanating. Each of them knelt on the ground, heads bowed, eyes closed and arms folded. Together they formed a circle facing inward.
They are praying! he thought in awe. Even in the midst of this deathly blackness, they are praying.
© 2010 by Adam Scott Campbell. All rights reserved.

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