Monday, December 6, 2010

The Dreamer Part Thirteen

The battle raged on. Adialon’s strength grew with every foe slaughtered. His every muscle gave its all, his sinews waxed and waned in perfect balance with his breath, and still his enemies rushed upon him, attacking with ever increasing ferocity. The Warrior was much too engulfed by the battle rage within him to realize that thousands opposed him; there was no end to the hordes pouring into the valley. By that same battle rage that consumed him, Adialon had no memory of what had transpired before the great conflict had begun; nor indeed could he recall its beginning- he was fighting a war that was eternal.
Adialon rejoiced in his heart at the marvelous untamed energy that flowed through him. His enemies feared him so greatly; they fled at every battle cry that burst from his lips. And with a word he summoned them back, and they would turn and rush upon him again, as though they could not disobey the command.
He received endless wounds. By the blades that rose against him, by the weapons that writhed about him at every side, by the hate fueling his enemies’ thrusts, Adialon was pierced at every turn. And at every turn, he would turn again, and unleash a still greater outpouring of their blood. The Warrior inhaled the scent of that blood, and thus his rage grew ever stronger.
‘This is impossible! He cannot still fight us; he is covered in his own blood!’
‘Then we must use greater weapons against him. He cannot prevail against us, for there is no warrior that can withstand the beast that we have bred for decades past. Summon the witch and her pet!’
‘Yes, sir!’ the soldier said sharply. He saluted the commander, then turned and mounted his charger.
‘Giddyap!’ he screamed harshly, kicking the charger with his sharp silver spurs. The animal reared in pain, its hooves beating the icy air. Cruelly the soldier kicked the animal again, laughing at his absolute control over the dumb beast. At the soldier’s third blow, the animal galloped forward, nostrils flared and sides heaving, flying ever faster as his master continued to cut into him.
The soldier laughed again.

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