Tuesday, March 15, 2011


‘Yes,’ she says to me.
‘You have done great things.
You have endured trials, troubles,
And tribulations too.
You have also made many mistakes,
Though you have tried to rectify them
As best you could.
After it is all said and done,
What do you want now,
At the end of it all?’
‘I just want it over,’
I say as the tears spill
Down my cheeks.
‘Please, can’t it be over?’
‘It is not for me to say.
It is for God to decide
When to take you Home.
You will have to wait upon Him.’
‘I have been waiting for so long already.
My heart is breaking. I feel that I cannot
Bear this much longer before I break altogether.’
‘Perhaps that is what he is waiting for:
A broken heart and a contrite spirit.’
‘It hurts,’ I say to her.
‘It hurts so much to live.
I don’t understand why
I must go through this.’
‘I do not know either,’
She replies somewhat sadly.
‘I do know that you just have to keep going,
No matter what, and you will win the prize.’
‘Please,’ I cry. ‘Will you pray with me?’
‘I have been praying with and for you all along.
I will pray with you now, as well.’

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